Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Personal Choices

B.J.- What makes me not want to do drugs or make other bad decisions is my sports. I know that doing drugs and playing sports are two horrible combinations. When playing sports and doing drugs it can cause you to be fatigued and the last thing anyone who plays sports wants to do is come out of a game because they are tired.

Brenton - I don't do drugs because, they can ruin your life, they are an unnecessary expense, and my parents would kill me. Not to mention the fact that most drugs are illegal and if you get arrested you could pay thousands in court fee's and lawyer expenses. Not to mention jailtime and being considered a felon. Except weed, that's legal now.

Katie- The personal choices I make to avoid substance abuse are surround myself with a good friend group and focus on my education and future. With good friends, they help me avoid peer pressure and the chance to use illegal substances. Focusing on school work helps me realize that my future is important and I can't let something stupid like drugs get in the way of that.


  1. Hi Brenton,
    Remember weed is not legal. Medical marijuana can be legally prescribed by a licensed physician for glacoma, to control pain, to stimulate appetite, etc. But also remember that even medical marijuana can promote lung cancer, lethargy, and depression.

  2. I personally agree with both of these students. In Italian high schools enough pupils are in posession of solvents, luckly the govenment is taking some actions about this worldwide issue. For example, every two weeks the students are being checked by dogs before entering class. I would never ever try drugs because I would like to keep my brain as it is, and its a reason far too stupid to make it ruin my life.
    Martina Sala
    International school of Treviso

  3. I agree with Katie, the best way to keep drugs away from our lives is to have good friends that like you for what you are, and a family that loves and helps you when you are in need. Focusing on our future and on education is an excellent way to not go off the track.
    Drugs make you feel happy and relaxed but the consequences that come after are damaging or deathly, it's definitely not worth it.
    Enrica De Colle, International School of Treviso

  4. I think that marijuana shouldn't be used as a medicine. Maybe to old people who are already at the end. it cause chronic dependence and it affect you personality, you become aggressive, paranoid and hungry (usually you can earn lots of kilos in a short time).
    For me you are right from the point of view of all the costs, it is a complete waste!

    Natan Porcu International School of Treviso

  5. Hi Brenton,
    I'd like to give you more information about marijuana. I come from Italy, and in this country it is illegal and is a class B drug. It's true that it makes you feel better, but when you use it, you go in paranoia, it means that you feel everyone and everything is against you. You should also know that in Netherland is legal, and you can eat it in brownies. You also need to pay attention at other names of marijuana, because it can be proposed as a different drug, but it's the same. Some names are: boom, gangster, grass, hash, herb, pot, stenk...
    My brother was one offered, but he luckily not accepted. I hope you will listen to my words.
    Alessandro Mazzucco
    International school of Treviso

  6. I really agree with Katie because when you have a doubt or a problem family and friends are the only one who can help you to choose the right thing to do. Because of this is important to attend the right group of people which don't make you want to try things which will compromise your health and person.
    Federica Bianchi

  7. I agree with Katie, we should avoid these substances that are illegal and that can kill you or harm you. I personally don't want to try marijuana because I know that it's addictive and you can become paranoic and memory and percepitions can be impaired.
    Eleonora Grio
    International school of Treviso

  8. I personally like your thinking Katie. Focus on your future and mix with the right people. If you have an ambition do not let drugs stand in your way. I’m don't totally agree with marijuana being used as a medicene if it has side effects, I think it should be used carefully and to be given to the right people with illnesses that need the substance to be cured. Not to be used frequently. Sport mixed with drugs is not good. If you want an athletic career drugs are not the way to get there. There are various problems with drugs and athletics it can cause legal, psychological ,physical, sociological side effects
    Sophie Bianchi
