Saturday, December 4, 2010

Drug Prevention

It is important to look at the prevention of drug use amongst individuals. to look at drug prevention in all stages of a drug user’s life – before they are involved in drugs, while they are involved in drugs, and in the rehabilitation process.


1) How to prevent illegal drug use before it starts:

a. Why do people start using drugs in the first place?

b. Methods – Awareness programs, commercials, and other mediums.

2) How to get an individual off drugs:

a. What will be the most effective to get an individual off drugs and keep them from influencing others?

b. Methods – help lines, rehabilitation programs, mentoring programs, etc.

3) How to prevent drugs users from restarting drugs:

a. What can be done to keep someone from going back to illegal drug use, and how can his or her life be normalized?

b. Methods – continued mentor program, job and hobby finding programs, and other methods.

Katherine and Mackenzie

1 comment:

  1. Katherine and MacKenzie,
    Your posting for the prevention of illegal drug use was well thought out, covering prevention and the different stages of a drug user and the required treatment for each.
    Mrs. Abbott
    Health Educator
    Lahser High School
