Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tobacco companies.

Hello, my name is Alexandre. And my partner is O'Neal. We are writing about the campaign for tobacco free kids. The campaign for tobacco free kids does many things in order to stop tobacco companies to reach out to young adults and teenagers. They do many things including kick butts day. Kick butts day is a day where all smokers try not to smoke on the 24th of March to show what you can do without smoking. This usually becomes a sucess as people see a difference between smoking and not smoking. Smokers usually have a tendancy to not smoke on kick butts day. They also give out tips to stay away from smoking. This campaign also reaches out to celebrities that smoke, and try to help them. Also they tell teenagers or young adults not to follow in the footsteps of their favorite celebrity that smokes. The campaign for tobacco free kids tries to make an impact on not only teenagers or young adults, but to everyone in the world. They try to spread the word out on tobacco. This campaign not only helps us, they try to do anything in their power to make people live healthier lives

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