Friday, May 28, 2010

School drug testing

We believe that school drug testing should be banned. I think it should against the law for a teacher or principal of a school to give a student a random drug test. Students make their own decisions, and they shouldn't be tested unless they have committed a crime. I believe that parents should be able to debate whether their students can be drug tested in school.

Keturah , Raylen Tre's

Peer Influence

Here in American many people get into teen drug adiction due to peer pressure. Our peers have the most influence over us, pushing us to do things we don't want to do. But they can also have a good influence when it comes to teaching us what we should and shouldn't do based on what they have experienced in the past. Involving yourself with good people can help you stay away from the drugs that are so easy to get a hold of. Of all the people in our high school that smoke weed or do other drugs, more than half started at a very early age and have come to regret their decisions. Because it is so easy to get the drug you want, you need to think about your decisions to make sure you make good ones.

Colby and Lauren

Shelby and Sarah's Substance Use & Prevention Blog

Hell0 from America! Here in America SO many people do drugs. There is pot, cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, the Devil's snot, buzzer, ecstacy, roll, speed, crank, fire, Georgia Home Boy, boomers, yellow sunshine, roofies, laughing gas, special K, powdered sugar, tweak, black beauty, Mary Jane, toot, kick, bang, sniff, huff, Texas shoe shine, angel dust, magic mushrooms, blotter, pumpers, gym candy, weight trainers, Arnolds, shrooms, and the plant of death. All of these things can be smoked many ways. Up the spout, up the bong, up the hookah, up the mouth, and so many more. We are ashamed. But there is hope. Our school has instituted a program called S.A.D.D. which stands for Students Against Destructive Decisions. This club empowers us to not make destructive decisions and how to educate others to not make destructive decisions. The club encourages us to do well in school and manage our stress. We learn about the downsides to substance use, and there are many. If it weren't for S.A.D.D. so many more kids at our school would make destructive decisions. We are happy to have S.A.D.D.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a mentoring system that helps kids stay on the right track. This program helps troubled teens have a positive role model in their lives. An example of a child in need of this program would one whose parents are drug abusers, alcoholics or both. According to "Big Brothers Big Sisters" statistics show kids who have a mentor for this program are 46% less likely to use illegal drugs, 27% less likely to start using alcohol, and 52% less likely to skip school. So, as you can see this program is a big help to those kids that need a positive role model in their lives.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The BBFA is a non-profit organization that promotes healthy families to do activities as a family and spend time together. The mean goal of the BBFA is the build better families thought action. The BBFA was started in 1981 and has been working to strengthen awareness in the communities about the harmful effects of adolescent substances abuse and provides drug prevention education and parenting skills.
By Kieran Townsend and Sebasatiano Mazzardo

Tobacco companies.

Hello, my name is Alexandre. And my partner is O'Neal. We are writing about the campaign for tobacco free kids. The campaign for tobacco free kids does many things in order to stop tobacco companies to reach out to young adults and teenagers. They do many things including kick butts day. Kick butts day is a day where all smokers try not to smoke on the 24th of March to show what you can do without smoking. This usually becomes a sucess as people see a difference between smoking and not smoking. Smokers usually have a tendancy to not smoke on kick butts day. They also give out tips to stay away from smoking. This campaign also reaches out to celebrities that smoke, and try to help them. Also they tell teenagers or young adults not to follow in the footsteps of their favorite celebrity that smokes. The campaign for tobacco free kids tries to make an impact on not only teenagers or young adults, but to everyone in the world. They try to spread the word out on tobacco. This campaign not only helps us, they try to do anything in their power to make people live healthier lives

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ethan and Courtney UNDERCOVER COPS!!!

Drugs in Athletes By: Danny, Drew, and Sydney

We all know that in high school there are many distractions, such as friends and drugs. however, involving yourself in things like sports would help prevent you from getting onto the wrong path. Drugs are never good and as you already know some famous athletes do, in fact take drugs. Although it's not the message you would want to send, having kids involved in these sports is a Great way to keep everyone safe. Almost every sport gives you a workout, working out gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happier as well. So by playing a sport you are becoming happier and maintaining your safety as well. Don't you hate it when you compete against someone who is cheating? Drugs are cheating sports and people are making money by competing with illegal drugs. Drugs are no shortcut. Drugs kill your body, and you do not gain anything from them. Don't let your friends play with drugs. They could steal your glory on the field. You are not an athlete if you do drugs, you are a cheater.

Parents advising their children about Drugs

One morning as I was taking my son to high school, I saw a letter sitting on the back seat in the car. Once I had dropped him off, I opened the letter and read that it was about drug testing at his school. My son had evidence of having a positive drug test. I coun't believe my eyes, I never thought my son would do such a thing. Then I realized that it was my fault as well. Considering I have never sat down and talked to my son about the dangers of drugs. Later that day, I talked to my son about it but it was already too late. He developed a bad habit and the only thing I could do was to sign him up for drug addiction classes.
From that day forward I have advised all of my fellow friends to talk to their son or daughter about drug addictions and what you can do to prevent what happened to my son, before it's too late. All it takes is five minutes of talking, you might think they're making the right decisions but they might not know any better.
This is a true story.
Bess Pelton and Jacqueline Shandler

Drug Sniffing Dogs-Lahser High School

It was a bright sunny day. The birds were chirping, and the leaves were crinkling under the excited children ready for high school. Then, the druggies came. Poisoning the souls of the innocent little angels, these dealers of mass destruction ruined Lahser's reputation. What could anyone do?
Suddenly, the Michigan heroes came to the rescue. Who were these people? They were the keepers of hope and the leaders of dreams. These were the DRUG DOGS!
Galloping into the dingy hallways, the sniffer-outers of evil found the root source of Lahser's troubles. Hidden in a Dorito bag was a stash of drugs! As it turns out, the children of Lahser had been involved in a secret drug conspiracy. Without these Michiganian canine heroes, Lahser would have been engulfed with the terror of addiction.
Thank you, Drug Sniffing Dogs!

-Dope David, Narcotic Nicole, Crystal Meth Kris

Commercials and Drug Prevention

In America, we find ourselves in front of the TV a lot. Therefore, it's obvious that we should advertise awareness of drugs through television. Sometimes, we have seen commercials that show the true nature of drugs. They are very convincing and inventive. One showed what drug dealers tell you about drugs, and then showed a man who had smoked. He was in a wheelchair, with a heart monitor and IV drip. He could barely talk. Doesn't that make you think?
We have even had our President occasionally make a short address on drugs. It really sticks it to you to have your leader speak about drug abuse.
Commercials get to everyone here, and remind us what everyone expects for us. Billboards, Internet ads, and many other forms of advertisement here help to bring awareness to the drug-naive population in America.
By Kemal, Colin and Alex

Medical Marijuana and how it stimulates the mind

Medical Marijuana is positive for people with diseases, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Cancer, AID's and other painful diseases. Marijuana can help people with these diseases because it relieves pain. An example would be someone who is too thin from AIDS, marijuana would stimulate their eating habits.

Undercover Cops

A program called the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) started a group of cops that help drug control. In high drug traffic cities a group is sent out to catch the drug dealers in the act. The cops go undercover and pretend to buy drugs. Once the dealer shows them the drug they call in their back up and catch the drug dealer by surprise, sending a wave through the community that we will end the traffic of drugs one way or another.

By: Alexis, Alexandra, and Breanne

How To Personally Avoid Drugs

As high school students we have found that having extra activities, hobbies and friends is a great way to stay away from drugs. Some things may include: school related sports, spending time with friends, safe environments, healthy family, positive peer pressure, staying concentrated, and having goals that you want to accomplish. Extra activities that we do as high schoolers is different for everyone. Depending on your favorite activites, enviroment and friends may depend on the kind of activities you chose to do. Having these activities and staying active can keep you focus and keep you out of trouble. Hanging out with the right positive people are great to help you stay away from drugs. Putting yourself into a situation with drugs, negative people and bad things are just asking for trouble. It only takes one wrong decision to affect your life dramatically. Our advice to other high school student dealing with the issue of drugs is to stay positive and use things that motivate you to avoid being in a situation where you have to make hard decisions. If you are a high school student involved with drugs we advise you to get help as soon as possible and look into outside activities to help motivate you to get out. Always remember to stay positive, be active and stay focused on what really matters.
By: Shelby, Myah, Lauren

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Legalize It?

When approaching the problem of illegal drugs, we decided to explore the unusual route of legalization. Recently there has been a ballot initiative in one of our states to legalize marijuana for all purposes, currently fourteen states in our country have medical marijuana legal and available for prescription use. The policy of legalizing medical marijuana and legalizing marijuana for other uses could discourage and reduce the amount of people who use illicit drugs. The reason for this is that while currently some have described pot as a gateway drug, the removal of the social and legal stigmas could discourage the leap to more harmful drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Another side effect of this would be the removal of the profit to gangs and drug operations who commit other crimes,the government could supply import and export and also tax the results providing much needed capital in these times. In fact the ban on pot started with a Victorian like moral stigma similar to the prohibition of alcohol in the United States. When this ban was repealed less then 20 years later, it proved that when the government attempts to regulate morality it fails and the consequences of such bans are often worse than what they were originally put into place to prevent.

By: Mitchell Black, Cody Hicks, Teytey Trumph

Sibling Influence

Siblings influence us all. In good times or in bad your siblings are alwasy there to help you. I have learned many good habits from my sister in ways to avoid drugs. She teaches me everyday and shares her stories. Learning from her past, I can plan what not-to-do in the future. For example, if she became involved with drugs these decisions she makes would impact me almost everyday. Since I look up to her, like most siblings do to their older siblings, I would think what she was doing was "cool" and I would want to be like her. I am so thankful that my sister makes wise decisions everyday of her life. She is a great role model to me. My sister teaches me right from wrong. Now that I am in high school, I look up to her even more when I am under stress and need to make decisions. My sister influences me directly through her actions. I have made better decisions and stayed away from drugs.
By: Jordan, Madison, and Nayla

BBFA by Sidnee and Whitney

The Birmingham Bloomfield Families in Action (BBFA) is a local organization put together by citizens of the two cities who have recognized the epic problem of illegal drugs, such as tobacco, alcohol, and more addictive narcotics. The organization gives a conscious effort to educate those who are most effected by drugs in the community; the teens who have fallen into the trap of drugs, and also the parents of those teens. According to their website,, the BBFA is "A non-profit community organization that promotes healthy families by actively educating, informing and providing tools to parents and the community about healthy parenting as well as prevention of substance abuse and other destructive behaviors." The BBFA provides seminars, classes, and other interactive activities that give teens and their parents the opportunity to become more educated on drugs and destructive behavior, and the consequences that come with being involved in such things. There are also plenty of opportunities to volunteer and get involved in the rehabilitation of the community, and substance abuse problems.
By Sidnee and Whitney

Police Sting (tobacco)

America helps to contribute to the prevention of drug use by the Police Sting program. Students are taken to local merchants to try and convince clerks to sell them tobacco, although they are underage. If they are given cigarettes, the cop that accompanies the students will go into the store and fine the clerk who sold the drugs. The point of this program is to catch the people that are selling tobacco to underage buyers. With more people following the law, there are less situations where teens have access to drugs. Hopefully, the Police Sting program will prevent the use of tobacco by teens.

By: Carly Daiek and Mary Shirk

Northern Border Patrol

The northern border patrol is doing a good job of preventing the smuggling of illegal narcotics. The northern border will pull over suspicious vehicles and search them for drugs. They do not want drugs leaving the U.S or entering it. With these people on patrol, we substantially reduce the amount of drugs taken into these regions. With new technology that has come out, and the use of dogs to sniff out drugs, it is a lot easier to make our country and others a more safe and family friendly country.

Eric & Tommy

Family Discussion

In the United States of America, most teens that don't have a strong supportive family are at a high risk of using illegal drugs. As for my Friend and I, both of our parents and many other parents in our area talk to their children about not using drugs. In my case, my father discusses the consequences of getting addicted to illegal drugs, and how some people he knew have even died from it, so he knocks a good amount of sense into me. For my friend his family is strong and supportive, so there is no need to do drugs or make bad decsiions. This is how our family supports us in our decision making in the field and sector of drugs.
By Ben and Matt

Parent's Involvment In Drugs

Our parents spend time discussing drugs with us. This can happen at the dinner table. Our parents tell us real life examples and the dangers of drugs.

By: Deven

The Police Liaison

When you are in elementary school they will call you down for an assembly about drug awareness. A police officer will be there waiting for you to talk about drugs. The video or presentation is about how drugs have negative effects on people and that people who use drugs have horrible lives. After the assembly the teachers will talk to you about the drug presentation. The presentation educates kids so they know the effects.
By Tyler and Nick

Celebrities and Illegal Drugs

While a few celebrities promote anti-drugs, some celebrities promote them. Those who show the negative effects of drugs (in his/her lyrics) tend to influence people not to do drugs. Some artists like Lil Wayne, in and out of jail for multiple drug charges, it encourages you to not do drugs. You don't really have any respect for his decisions, and you don't look up to him as your role model. On the other hand, artists like, Taylor Swift promote anti-drug usage. This shows that she makes the right decisions and cares about her well being. You are able to look up to Taylor Swift as your role model because she is healthy and successful. Therefore, the artists who promote anti-drug usage are the ones that you look up to as your role model and vice versa.
By Stephanie and De'Cara

Homeland Security

The department of Homeland Security keeps our borders free of numerous amounts of illegal drugs. The border control keeps watch dogs, weapon, and drug specialists on hand. By doing that the people of our nation are able to be safe and not sorry. The patrollers are also always drug and alcohol free which makes them more reliable.
no more illegal drug!!!
By Michael and AJ
The Bloomfield Hills Lahser High School Health Classes are responding to the question of how to solve the global problem of illegal drug use in the world. The following are the student responses as to what they see taking place to deal with the issue of illegal drug use.