Saturday, December 4, 2010

Drug Prevention

It is important to look at the prevention of drug use amongst individuals. to look at drug prevention in all stages of a drug user’s life – before they are involved in drugs, while they are involved in drugs, and in the rehabilitation process.


1) How to prevent illegal drug use before it starts:

a. Why do people start using drugs in the first place?

b. Methods – Awareness programs, commercials, and other mediums.

2) How to get an individual off drugs:

a. What will be the most effective to get an individual off drugs and keep them from influencing others?

b. Methods – help lines, rehabilitation programs, mentoring programs, etc.

3) How to prevent drugs users from restarting drugs:

a. What can be done to keep someone from going back to illegal drug use, and how can his or her life be normalized?

b. Methods – continued mentor program, job and hobby finding programs, and other methods.

Katherine and Mackenzie

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Key Questions of Causes and Influences

People who are addicted to drugs have many reasons behind what starts their addiction. Family situations, peer pressure, and abuse are just a few causes of drug addictions. Society can also effect drug usage. Key questions that must be answered are what makes people want to do drugs, what situations influence drug usage, and how a society can increase an individual’s susceptibility to drug abuse. A first step to solving the national drug problem is addressing these questions.

-Courtney and Rachel